A Symbiotic Relationship: AI & MATH

Artificial Intelligence (AI) language models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google Bard are revolutionizing the educational sector, and math instruction and learning is no exception. These AI models are useful tools in helping students learn math by providing equitable learning, differentiated approaches, resources, practice problems, and explanations of math concepts. Right now, these models may not be able to provide solutions to complex problems or provide detailed solutions, however, it is evolving and it will only be a matter of time before these tools attain considerable sophistication. Just as teaching is a learning experience, these tools are also learning (Machine Learning) from training, user inputs, and responses!



AI is undoubtedly helping math learning!  It is interesting to see that a good grasp of math fundamentals in linear algebra, calculus, graph theory, probability and statistics, optimization techniques, and stochastic models is a must for the AI/ML practitioner! In a way, AI and Math have a very symbiotic relationship.

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